Outdoor exterior photography offers us a wide range of options, just choose the right place and time. The advantage is daylight, which, however, can be harmful if the shooting time is inappropriate and overexposure the photo. When planning a photo shoot outdoors, it is necessary to choose a date taking into account the season, time, weather and, of course, the place where we plan the photo shoot. The most popular places for outdoor photography are near lakes, fields, forests or meadows. Each provides different conditions, in some places it is better to take pictures early in the morning or before sunset to avoid overexposed photos. On the contrary, some need to be illuminated, either with lights or a reflector plate.
If we want to plan outdoor photography correctly, it is necessary to specify what we expect from it. In this case, I will be happy to advise you on some of my favorite places according to the location you have closest to you and the type of place you would like to take a photo of. Together we will choose the best location according to whether it is photos of children, portraits, family photos, or other outdoor photography.
My studio is located near the forest and lakes and that is why I provide the opportunity to combine outdoor photography with the studio in one term.
I deliver the resulting photos electronically or, on request, in a printed version.
The price for outdoor photography depends on whether we are photographing children, families or portraits, and on the number of people.